Frequently Asked Questions

What time is and how do I check out?

Check out is by 10am on Monday to Saturday departures. Checkout is by 11am on Sunday departures. Please could you turn off all the lights, leave your keys on the kitchen side and ensure the apartment door is locked as you leave.

Where can I smoke?

All of our apartments are strictly non smoking, so please pop outside to partake and please dispose of used cigarettes in the bins provided

What do we do in the event of an emergency?

A list of useful contacts can be found on our ‘useful contacts’ page but if you require emergency services please call 999 in the first instance.

What time is and how do I check out?

Check out is by 10am on Monday to Saturday departures. Checkout is by 11am on Sunday departures. Please could you turn off all the lights, leave your keys on the kitchen side and ensure the apartment door is locked as you leave.

What time is and how do I check out?

Check out is by 10am on Monday to Saturday departures. Checkout is by 11am on Sunday departures. Please could you turn off all the lights, leave your keys on the kitchen side and ensure the apartment door is locked as you leave.

We’d love to hear from you! To book or ask any questions about our luxury apartment-hotels, please:

Telephone 01332 541154

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